Handling Tips for Keys and other Items in your Office

Handling Tips for Keys and other Items in your Office

Key/Items Best Practice Handling Tips with Logitout

To help mitigate the physical contact of Key and Items for Staff and External people in your business we have put together some tips to help keep compliance of those items so your reports reflect the correct history as even during these uncertain times you still need to keep control of borrowed assets.
  • Hand Sanitizer, Wipes or Glen20 type products at the main entrance/door to your office.
  • Display your Hygiene policy clearly on your Office door/reception desk and Key room.
  • Have disposal gloves handy in all areas and where possible some basic face masks on hand.
  • Create a designated area in your reception for people to collect, drop-off keys/assets clearly sign posted with instructions.
  • Make several boxes with signage: Keys for Collection, Keys for Drop-off – the drop-off box could be similar to a large tissue box with slot so the keys can be dropped in but not accessed again by the borrower.
  • Internally you can do the same with staff bringing keys/items to Front Desk limiting physical contact. Keep a pre-made drop box at front desk for this scenario.
Organizing Keys/Assets in advance via the Logitout Dashboard using Reservations

1. Create a Reservation for the item/s to be collected, this will help the person organise themselves with time frames in their day so they can plan – ensure you have the borrowers correct details so the message will go out to the correct person. Tip: you can create a new contact or a new business and contractor from this pop-up window.
2. Once created you have created the reservation you will see it in the “What’s Reserved” box of items to be collected
3. Where possible create a designated secure collection area in the Reception area with a signage directing the borrower to that area.
4. All keys should be popped in an envelope clearly marked with the trades persons details to collect including the Reservation ID created from the system e.g.: ID783 – this number would have been sent to them in an sms/email.
5. Create several “Collection style” boxes as below:
    5.1 Special Reserved Collections
    5.2 General Key Collections
    5.3 Key Returns

6. When the Trade/Contact comes in to collect, ask them for the RES ID No., then direct them to the special collection area and designated Box, once they have found the envelope with the correct details on front, confirm a time of when the keys are due back and why they are taking them.  You can then “Log them out” from the reserve box directly by clicking the barcode icon next to the entry. Confirm a due date of return – note system defaults at 24 hours so this might be suitable.
7. Pop a note in the “Log out notes” box of why the keys are going out – this will manage your compliance aspect in the reports.
8. Instruct the Trade/Contact to return the keys asap and inform you what keys they are returning so you can see them in the “What’s Out” box – then instruct them to put the keys/items in the Key Return Box accordingly of which you can collect after they have left your office.
Tip: pop on some disposable gloves while handling those items OR perhaps use Glen20 or similar products to lightly spray the area and keys – use only NON ACIDIC products as you might destroy the plastic key-tag surface.  Follow directions on packaging at all times.
9. Double check your “What’s Box” to ensure you have logged those keys back in – use the search bar in the box by typing the key/item code. You can also view your “What’s out” items via Reports. By the end of day audit your processes again to make sure everything is correct.

These are just some small hygiene tips to help you create your own system during these difficult times, there will always be the odd hiccup but at least you are trying to keep your internal systems running smoothly.

Please email support@logitout.com at any time for assistance as we are here to help.